Oracle Card Reading for the week of April 16th, 2018
Card #1
"Chop Wood" - Being grounded in everyday experience; humility."
"The Oracle’s message: There are times when the big dream is meant to lie dormant in your subconscious so that you can pay attention to the simple chores in your life. Consider why pruning a tree is the forerunner of delighting in the beautiful blooms when it is in full blossom. The mundane act of pulling off dead leaves, watering the soil, and then leaving it to be to let nature to let nature take its course is an important step in manifestation. Taking your attention away from your goal brings you into a state of receptivity. This is the deeper purpose for releasing attachment. When you engage in everyday tasks in a meditative contemplative way, you clear your energy to receive your, “Aha!” moments, which brings you colder to what you seek."
"Relationship message: Nothing is as important right now as just doing what you need to do day to day. Let your heart remember that not everything has to be hard-won, passionate, or even obviously meaningful. Relationships and friendships go through lulls when the everyday tasks are at the center of awareness. That is perfect now. Hold hands, wash dishes, make a fire, read a book, share a meal, say nothing, stare into space, pick up socks, tell a dumb joke…. And leave space to breathe. The “work” of your relationship right now is very simple: just be present. Funny how it takes work to “just” be. All is well, really."
"Prosperity message: Now is the time to take small steps, rather than large leaps, on the journey to creating your most prosperous life. Move your focus off your big dream and attend to the mundane chores. Focus on the little things that may have piled up while you’ve been mapping out the greater plan for the life you aspire to see manifest into reality. “Chop wood, carry water,” as the Zen proverb advises – or wash dishes, walk the dog… While you’re doing all of that Spirit will have a chance to move mountains and set wondrous miracles in motion for you. Remain humble and aware of the present."
Card #2
"All That Glitters - A need to see beyond the superficial; the desire to don a mask or dress something up to diguise its true nature; trying to be something you're not; chasing after every sparkly new thing; being mercurial
"The Oracle’s message: It’s only human to want to adorn oneself in trinkets and paint a pretty picture of oneself. It’s natural to want to acquire the trappings of status— or to deny them as a statement of rebellion. But if it sparkles, is it better? Whether it’s a fast car, a big house, a title or position, the stamp of authority, or the sparkling of diamonds, these icons let you know something about a person, place, or thing. Or do they? The truth is that people seek to acquire things because of what they will do for them, and how they symbolically will elevate them and make them more attractive. This card signals that it’s time to see beyond the adornments and probe underneath the surface. Learn to recognize the masks people wear and the motives underlying them. Imagine that all the glitter is gone. Would you still desire the object or person?"
"Relationship message: Sometimes we try to become something we’re not to impress others. We embellish a story a bit, adding some dramatic elements to make us more appealing. The real person becomes hidden behind the sparkle and shine. Then there are times when we don’t see the true value of someone else because he or she may not have the glitz and glamour that seem so desirable. Now is the time to look past the surface, beyond the mask, to the essence of a person. Who that person is, not what he or she has or can give you, is important. See beyond the glitter and look for the inner glow. Use the eyes in your heart. Let go of artifice and let what is authentic shine."
"Prosperity message: Sometimes an opportunity looks so good that it glitters like gold and you just can’t resist it, especially when it appears others are doing so well and have hit the mother lode! During the American gold rush, everyone hurried west to find their fortune—and then deserted entire towns after the mining depleted the gold veins in the earth. So, too, can you deplete yourself as you chase after the latest shiny thing that has caught your eye. There is a mercurial quality to your present circumstances. Pay no attention to those who chase after fool’s gold. Resist the temptation to be jealous of others. What they have achieved may not be the true success you seek, so don’t compare yourself to them. You see only the surface right now, only the sparkle. Be assured that you will experience your own shining moment if you stick to what you know. All that glitters may not be gold for you."
Card #3
Happy, Happy - Reversed:
Protection Message: “Lighten up, because this is the time to be ridiculous and silly. See the world through the eyes of a clown, and do not take yourself or any situation right now too seriously. Have fun, but playful, and make laughter the order of the day. You will be surprised by how everything just seems to fall into place when humor leads the way. Being happy and lighthearted is a wonderful icebreaker. Life is meant for play as well as work, for laughter as well as tears, for celebration as well as focus. Spirit wants to sparkle through you today. Smile and enjoy each breath and each moment. Miracles lie in the silly things today."
Thank you for viewing. :)
Love and light..